Häuser zum Kauf in Gollenberg

Top Premium Obj. 270 / Havelland - Reiterhof im Dornröschenschlaf!
450.000,00 €
4 Zi.
145 m2
14728 Gollenberg
Immobilientyp: Bauernhaus, Haus
Bei der hier angebotenen Immobilie handelt es sich um einen kleinen Reiterhof, gelegen im Nordwesten des Havellandes. Die Pferdezucht blickt in diesem Landstrich auf eine lange Tradition zurück und ist weit über die Region hinaus für ihre Erfolge
bekannt. Auf dem Angebotsobjekt wurde schweren Herzens die Pferdehaltung aus Altersgründen vor wenigen Jahren bereits aufgegeben. Dieses Gehöft befindet sich mitten im Ort und ist wie ein klassischer Dreiseitenhof angelegt. Ein stattliches Wohnhaus zur Rechten, eine Scheune in der Mitte und ein Stallgebäude zur Linken. Dazwischen eine entsprechende Hoffläche. Bei einer Straßenfront des Grundstückes von über 51 Metern, bietet sich so noch ausreichend Platz, um die hinteren Weideflächen zu erreichen. Die Gebäude stammen aus unterschiedlichen Epochen und wurden über die Jahrzehnte der Nutzung immer wieder erweitert, modernisiert und umgebaut. Die Pferdehaltung stand hier natürlich stets im Vordergrund. Das Stallgebäude beherbergt 12 große Pferdeb
Top Premium *Bezahlbarer Hausbau für zwei Familien* 0172/6890001*
440.300,00 €
8 Zi.
240 m2
14728 Havelland (Kreis)
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus

Passende Immobilien in der Umgebung von Gollenberg:

Top Premium Neu A Lifestyle Defined By Elegance
393.597,00 €
5 Zi.
156,41 m2
14728 Rhinow
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
Top Premium Neu The Perfect House For Your Family-Sustainable And Affordable
486.125,00 €
7 Zi.
210,09 m2
14728 Rhinow
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already
Top Premium Neu A House That Feels Like Home
377.190,00 €
5 Zi.
133,87 m2
14728 Rhinow
Immobilientyp: Einfamilienhaus, Haus
We have understood HOME. To understand HOME, you have to understand people. That's why we continuously and intensively engage with people who want to build or have already built. We are in dialog with them, discussing and learning. We have understood
that HOME is first and foremost a feeling and only then a building. You are looking for more than four walls and a roof. You are looking for a home. A prefabricated house that suits you perfectly. In which you feel as much at home as everyone who lives in it with you. With the secure prefabricated house concept from Living Haus, you are sure to make this dream come true. Unique services, comprehensive inclusive services and all the design freedom of a prefabricated house. A combination that you will only find with the greatest prefabricated house provider. What is a prefabricated house and why is it just right for you? Your Living Haus prefabricated house is prefabricated. This means that all the components and individual parts are already